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Brunswick SchoolThe Future Begins Here..

Welcome toBrunswick SchoolThe Future Begins Here..

Brunswick Reception Unit

Welcome to the Reception Unit at Brunswick!


Hello! Our Reception Unit is made up of Busy Bee and Dazzling Dragonfly rooms.  Children have carpet times in one of these bases with their class teacher.  We are then lucky enough to have four different classroom spaces for the children to use during free-flow activity time.


Our Teachers and Teaching Assistants work as a close team providing help and support in all areas of the curriculum across our unit. At lunch times our Teaching Assistants keep a special eye on the children, just to make sure they have a happy time and enjoy their food in the Jungle Cafe.


Our Classes have large working areas with free-flow access to Grasshopper Garden, our outdoor classroom. The children choose how to spend their activity time, moving freely between a range of learning areas.  These are updated regularly to link to our Topics and match the children's current needs and interests. Everyone enjoys playing and learning in the home corner, construction, small world, come and make, painting and writing areas, investigation trays, water and playdough.  There is always something fun, exciting and engaging to do! The children also develop their learning and understanding in our regular outdoor sessions; exploring the Jungle Garden, Growing Garden and moving freely in our big playground.


We have a healthy snack each day when we can have some fruit and a drink of milk or water and enjoy some time with our friends. We have access to our own purpose built toilets, which we all use independently. We know how important it is to visit the toilets and wash our hands frequently throughout the day with the help of our adults. 


We have weekly challenges linked to our topic where the children can take part in more directed learning to show off their developing skills and knowledge across the curriculum. We use different approaches, resources and materials to make learning engaging and the children all love to be a "Challenge Champion" and show of their fantastic work!


The children take part in daily focused phonics and maths lessons and enjoy guided reading and writing sessions. They also have time to explore our unit independently during activity time; having fun, working together and enjoying learning both indoors and out!


We display and celebrate our learning and achievements in school, but we also value the learning that takes place at home and encourage children to take part in our weekly home challenges. The children enjoy sharing their experiences through their 'Learning Journey' books and these are a wonderful record of their time in the Reception Unit. We recognise that no-one knows a child better than their parents and carers, which is why we aim to work as closely as possible with families. 
