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Brunswick SchoolThe Future Begins Here..

Welcome toBrunswick SchoolThe Future Begins Here..

Maths Support for Parents

Power Maths

This year we have introduced a new maths scheme; 'Power Maths'.


An Introduction to Power Maths

An in-depth introduction to Power Maths, showing how the resources are designed to support teaching for mastery, the practical support available for teachers, and how schools are using the resources. Sections within the video: 1. The theory behind Power Maths (0:46) 2. Putting the approach into practice (5:46) 3.The Power Maths community (8:11)

Mathletics and Mathseeds

At Brunswick School we use online programmes to further the children's mathematical learning. In Reception the children can access Mathseeds challenges, and in KS1 they enjoy Mathletics. We also use Mathseeds to support the children's learning in Nursery math sessions.

Teachers set weekly challenges for the children which they can access at home or school with their individual logins. We then celebrate our weekly top scorers in our Whole School Celebration Assemblies on Fridays.
